
This book, which is accessible to architects and nonprofessionals alike, makes clear that the values of sustainability are not limited to complete buildings, but include the responsible consumption of finite resources going into their construction. (Hamilton Smith, FAIA, partner, Marcel Breuer and Associates )

Carl Stein has produced an elegant piece of work…In this highly accessible book, replete with lucid conceptual explanations and practical case studies, Mr. Stein drives home the point that with a little more art and a good understanding of the science, his profession can do its part in saving the planet. (Kevin J. Healy, partner and environmental lawyer with Bryan Cave, LLP)

In his examination of the nexus of modern architecture, sustainability, and preservation, Carl Stein has presented a timely, thoughtful, and compelling argument for the reintegration of these movements. He argues most persuasively in favor of adaptive reuse of buildings as a leading sustainability strategy. As he makes his case, we come to more fully understand the central role of energy–both operating and embodied–as the ultimate common currency for real estate decision-making. (Hillary Brown, FAIA, professor, City College of the City University of New York)

A crisp, radical, and luminous book. Stein’s writing and selection and sequence of images offer an inspiring crystallization of the integrity of architecture and sustainability rooted in the principles of the Modern movement. (Diane Lewis, AIA, FAAR, principal, Diane Lewis Architect PC, professor of architecture, Cooper Union)

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